Israeli practical schizoanalysis. DADATERRORISM. The simulated corpse-image. Swarm dissociation. CIA black site poetry. Genocide as performance art. The end of Logos.
DADA , , , end time. Striated space , , ,
, , , or ‘das Ding’. Eretz Yisra’el TOTAL SWARM DEATH 1948
The theater of the absurd—— en𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘥
The fantasy is framed
—Jacques Lacan, Seminar X
The Frame is the point. The delimitation of ‘I’-ness means the yielding of the absurd theater. Absurd theater is theater about about-ness. This is because the Frame is the About. What about? I think about how IOF soldiers are made to read Deleuze in order to (re)conceptualize space. They have become Rimbaudrian assassins (or, rather, they have appropriated and deformed what the ‘assassin’ is in the first place):
In the IDF we now often use the term “to smooth out space” when we want to refer to operation in a space as if it had no borders. […] Palestinian areas could indeed be thought of as “striated” in the sense that they are enclosed by fences, walls, ditches, roads blocks and so on
To understand the IDF’s tactics for moving through Palestinian urban spaces, it is necessary to understand how they interpret the by now familiar principle of ‘swarming’ – a term that has been a buzzword in military theory since the start of the US post cold War doctrine known as the Revolution in Military Affairs. The swarm manoeuvre was in fact adapted, from the Artificial Intelligence principle of swarm intelligence
The swarm exemplifies the principle of non-linearity apparent in spatial, organizational and temporal terms. The traditional manoeuvre paradigm, characterized by the simplified geometry of Euclidean order, is transformed, according to the military, into a complex fractal-like geometry.
For a Palestinian fighter caught up in this battle, Israelis seem ‘to be everywhere: behind, on the sides, on the right and on the left. How can you fight that way?
dérive (a method of drifting through a city based on what the Situationists referred to as ‘psycho-geography’) and détournement (the adaptation of abandoned buildings for purposes other than those they were designed to perform).
attack architecture and to dismantle the rigid rationalism of a postwar order, to escape ‘the architectural strait-jacket’ and to liberate repressed human desires
IOF soldiers operate as vectors in a pointless topology. They spring into unoccupied space and bring their space with them. I.e., the space they occupy isn’t then unoccupied once they have moved. It moves with them. The IOF soldier moves through space as space and refuses the impasse of striae. Famously, instead of moving through buildings, they move through walls. They are the paradigmatic hypermetamodern swarm-subjects and operate by taqqiya as it is explained by Negarestani. In this case, however, there is no piety. Or, rather, there is piety, but it is toward War as God. The use of the word ‘war’, however, misses the point. War died. War deconstructed itself—cannibalized itself.
Their hypercamouflage is an affront to the sacred. It is practical schizoanalysis. But what does this have to do with the Frame? The IOF soldier breaks through the frame; destroys the About. As the soldier swarm moves into unoccupied space, or anoccupied space (Palestine, as the dictates of Zionism overdetermine the Palestinian people as a people who are never there) it surgically demolishes the point—the essence—of itself. It becomes an empty signifier. It always was an empty signifier, as a practical abstraction. The absurd theater of the mirror’s frame overflows its bounds and undetermines the subject’s inner rift. IOF nomadism out-nomads nomadism-qua-nomadism and renders itself Zero. The number one threat to human existence is not climate destruction...
At the end of the world we will have nothing but an IOF swarm.
DADATERRORISM is the IOF’s aesthetic practice, and the IOF is an aesthetic movement. They are performance artists. Their performativity consists of the messianic overdetermination of a death squad. Where Hegel would say that the real is the rational, the IOF soldier would attempt to embody the irrational real. A real absolutely distinct from the rational such that, from its POV, the rational doesn’t even exist. One may also think of a CIA black site where, once torture victims are locked in a small box after being injected with extreme doses of LSD, discordant music and noise (that may or may not have its roots in DADAist sound poetry) is blasted at a deafening volume.
In The Philosophy of Art, Schelling states:
[T]hat art is free in the production of illusion or of appearance up to the point of empirical truth, proves that here art steps beyond the boundaries of strict regularity —into the realm of freedom, of individuality, where the individual becomes a law unto himself.
The IOF paradigm is the hypersaturation of the Image. It is a swarm of becoming-existences that are its own existence and are equally as anti-meaningful; equally as pointless (vis-a-vis pointless topology). Here we are not dealing with mere hyperstition. We are dealing with a burgeoning metadivinity that is so sacrilegious—so disgustingly brutal—that everyone just accepts it to be the case. The IOF knew that if it was going to rape Palestine without backlash it would have to bring its praxis to a terminal breaking point at which the brutality is so absolute that it becomes the unseen Real. There is a spurious infinity of images documenting the horrible deaths of Palestinians. Israel’s schizoDADA program beckons it not to suppress images of dead Palestinian children, but to proliferate and multiply them. The natural conclusion of the IOF’s aesthetic strategy is to unite with AI (thus constituting the ultimate, final swarm) and generate simulated imagery of corpses so that one cannot engage with any media and not be reminded of Israeli terror. But these reminders would serve as an ‘unreminder’ in that the Palestinian corpse-image would become so absolute that it is not only normalized but literally unalives Palestine as such. Palestine, through the image, really becomes a promised land of simulated corpses free for the taking.
These deaths are not at the hands of Israelis, either. These deaths are infinitely removed from any Israeli person. The IOF soldier as a swarm is an unperson that ‘takes care of it’ for the Israeli civilian. Moreover, these are the same person—two valences of ousia out of one manifest hypostasis.
The IOF and CIA’s practical schizoanalysis and DADATERRORISM increasingly dispel the Word from the world. Events such as Derrida’s Deconstruction are only symptomatic of this fact. Messiah-qua-Logos is replaced by the ‘enhanced’ messianic swarm. “The West” has been sublated into a DADAist performance not of genocide, but of OMNICIDE. It operates according to pure automatism a la automatic drawing in its savage brutalization of all that IS. The Zionist must proclaim “Vive DADA!” if he is to take himself seriously whatsoever. The frame is the basis of the stage, but the IOF swarm’s performance knows no bounds and as such it dearticulates itself into an all-consuming rhizome of pitch-black nothingness. @coriolanus is all too correct when they state that the Israeli mission is one of (surgical) deterritorialization (as is the way of the “neoliberal” DADAist war-machine).1 Israel is not a new nation; a new territory. It is mobilized death and total integration into a postmodernist Hell.
He says: “This right is not governed by whether or not Israel acts perfectly as we wish it would. Deterritorialization must be physically actualized, stolen lands returned, and life must be affirmed!”